The one-shot dark comedy thriller Failure! from director Alex Kahuam and featuring Ted Raimi has been selected for the opening Gala of the new Cannes’ Fantastic Pavilion. A peculiar movie with a peculiar score.


Don’t look at the Demon, directed by Brando Lee, featuring Fiona Dourif and Harris Dickinson will be released this October in AMC and Regal theatres in USA and Canada.

We recorded the score in the superb Slovak Radio Hall with the fantastic Bratislava Symphony Orchestra. The movie is centered around the Thai household divinity Kuman Thong.

Bratislava Radio Hall


I am thrilled to score The Fox Hunter, a beautiful quirky comedy happening in North Carolina directed by Patrick Shanahan and featuring Madison Iseman (Jumanji) and Brooke Butler (Night School).


Soundtrack release of my score to the quirky, fun and edgy Chinese romantic comedy directed by Zhan Wang, No Marriage, produced by Tencent and Fox International. An orchestral score with some groovy cues and witty songs.


I am so grateful to have been part of director Anahita Ghazvinizadeh’s They that is having its International Premiere today at the Cannes Film Festival. Running in the Camera d’Or Competition.